Nutrition during Pregnancy

Let’s do a deep dive on NUTRITION during pregnancy! β˜•οΈ 🐠🍌 πŸ“

Nutrition was one of the things I was most confused about when I became pregnant. There seemed to be SO much advice (good and bad) on the internet which made decision making when it came to food and drink quite overwhelming. Here are some basic guidelines from the NHS but as always do what feels best for you!

Now there’s alot to this so I’m going to split it up into 5 separate posts, and today we’re starting with…

Food and drinks to avoid 🚫

🚩Certain cheese (soft cheese with white rinds, Brie & Camembert)
🚩Raw / partly cooked eggs due to risk of salmonella (look for British Lion Code eggs)
🚩Raw / undercooked fish or meat (e.g. rare steak & cold cuts) - sushi is OK as long as it's been flash frozen
🚩Liver (contains too much Vitamin A)
🚩Game shot with lead pellets (pheasant, pigeon)
🚩Shark, swordfish, marlin
🚩Limit tuna & oily fish
🚩Raw shellfish (mussels, prawns, scallops)
🚩Raw / unpasteurised or non UHT dairy
🚩Limit caffeine to 2 small filter coffees or 1 small americano a day
🚩Limit fruit juice to 150ml per day
🚩Avoid or moderate alcohol as baby's liver cannot process alcohol in certain quantities

Once again, these are simply *guidelines* so it's important to weigh up the risk factor and decide what is best for YOU and your baby during pregnancy. You may also have pregnancy cravings or despise certain foods throughout pregnancy - I personally couldn't stand the smell of coffee!

Want to read more about nutrition during pregnancy? Sign up to the Empower Pregnancy Plan today and find over 5 pages of advice in our ebook! Find more information under the β€˜prenatal’ section of our website!


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