Is it safe to train my core during pregnancy?

During pregnancy the core muscles will stretch to accommodate growing baby and uterus. This expected increase in intra-abdominal pressure may cause diastasis recti (thinning and widening of the linea alba which is the connective tissue that binds our abdominal muscles together).

Therefore, when it comes to training our core during pregnancy, we want to consider the amount of pressure we're putting on our rectus abdominis and avoid traditional core exercises which cause a doming appearance around our belly button e.g. crunches and planks (check out these pregnancy safe plank variations I filmed for Instagram) Additionally, we should try to get out of bed by lying onto our side first and using our upper body to help us sit up (I like to call this the ninja roll!)

So what CAN we do? Some great deep core exercises to incorporate into our routine are:

  • Cable rotations & paloff press

  • Side lying plank / bridges

  • Glute bridges & leg lifts (elevate shoulders later in pregnancy)

  • Medicine ball pass (avoid deep rotations)

  • Compound exercises such as deadlifts / squats / clean & press

  • Four point kneeling leg extensions

  • Side bends and weighted marches

  • 360 breathing / pelvic floor exercises

Still not sure what all these exercises are?! Try a free core class over on the EPP plan!


Nutrition during Pregnancy


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